How Do I Become More Confident?
In response to all the messages asking “How can I be more confident”? Here are three things to pay attention to.
Follow intentionally on social media, the content you engage with strongly impacts your mindset. Let’s make it a positive impact. Surround yourself with people who make you feel GOOD and loving about yourself.
Pressure from others
Forget what you “should” be doing and do what you WANT to do. No, I don’t mean don’t pay your bills and be an asshole ok, but let’s start living up to OUR versions of happiness.Ditch the “all-or-nothing” mentality. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing and starting helps get the ball rolling to complete tasks.
Do. Not. Fear. Failure. Reframe “failure” as just another opportunity for you to learn and grow. The only true failure is not trying. Stop holding yourself to unrealistic expectations, they are neither helpful nor sustainable. It is okay to aim big but make sure to approach it from a balanced perspective.
All of the above impact our ability to be confident IMMENSELY, which is why it’s so important to be INTENTIONAL about our responses (not reactions) to our surroundings as well as the natural responses we have in our minds.
If you’re serious about empowering yourself to become the most confident version of YOU — send me an email or DM on instagram (@kamilahoe) so we can chat more ❤️
Stay happy, safe, and sane.